Monday, December 1, 2014

To my precious Sloan and Riley on your birthday..

Dear Sloan and Riley,
I simply cannot believe it has been one year since you came into our lives. Obviously we had 36 long weeks of prep time while mama was growing you in her tummy but the minute you came on to this earth everything changed. Your dad and I were elated and terrified at the same time I mean 2 new babies is no easy task and we wanted to give you the best care around so rightfully so we were nervous and it took a little while before we felt at ease in the role of Mom and Dad. We had lots of sleepless nights, lots of rough evening times, new adventures, and more laughing and joy than we have ever experienced in our life. Simply put you two have completed our little family and now we can hardly remember what our lives were like before you. We are not perfect parents and we don't know everything but we get up every single day and give you our best. This first year was a growing year for the McGowan's but we all did it together and I like the way we all turned out. Your dad and I are more patient and easy going people simply because it's the only way to be with new babies....we try to go with the flow and roll with the punches. We love you both and are elated about getting to spend the rest of our lives seeing who you both become.

Love Always,
Mom and Dad

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