Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Happy Baptism & Happy Easter

We had a pretty eventful few days here at the McGowan house. Matt's parents arrived Wed. from Kentucky and his Uncle Dave and his girlfriend Melissa came in town as well from Freeport, TX to see the girls. Matt's parents hadn't seen the girls in person since they were 3 weeks old so they were shocked at how big they are getting. We had a few nice days hanging around the house it's always nice to have a few extra sets of hands. The girls got to take naps on peoples shoulders instead of in their cribs and we went out for dinner Thursday night to The County Line.

Friday night I drove solo to Corpus with the girls.....I was terrified but we MADE IT. We did the usual bedtime routine and then put the girls in their car seats and before I was out of our neighborhood they were both asleep. I am so glad it went I have a little more confidence I could do this again on my own. My mom has friends that live in San Antonio and in George West so I had places I could stop should things have come up but luckily they slept the whole way. Now once I got to my parents house they didn't sleep thru the car seat to pack n play transfer and that night was a little rough being in a new place but that is to be expected. I ended up putting Sloan in bed with me and my parents took Riley to their room....she apparently stayed awake chatting with herself and blowing bubbles (her new trick) for about an hour. We quickly realized after one night that these girlies are too big for one pack n play even if it is the twin size. So they made their first trip to Wal-Mart for Bebe to buy us another one.

Here is a cute video of Sloan in the car....she was in a really good mood.

Saturday Matt and his parents made the trip down since Casey had come out of surgery okay and the vet said she needed to stay another night in the animal hospital to recover anyway. We took them to eat at Water Street and the girls were just not having it. One of the 4 of us basically ended up walking around pushing the double stroller around most of the meal. I have learned with babies and especially with TWO babies you just have to be flexible and realize when you have asked too much of them or pushed them too far for the day. I could tell they had just hit their limit....with a bad nights sleep the night before and we are pretty sure Sloan is teething we headed back to my parents house and put them to bed. They had a big day the next day and needed a good night sleep.....miraculously they slept from 8pm to 6:30am even in the new pack n play and in an unfamiliar place.

Easter Sunday and the girls baptism days will go down as one of the most special days yet for me as a mother. I was baptized in this church, married in this church, my husband was baptized himself on Easter Sunday when he was young (his mom told me that during their visit...he didn't even know, I love that random coincidence) and my girls were baptized with all the people who love them most in the world watching. They did great Sloan was cooing and very happy during the ceremony and Riley was very calm (until the preacher tried to show her off to the congregation....she didn't like all those people looking at her.) Sloan however just like her Uncle Bubba loved all the attention.

Sloan and her Uncle Bubba

Aunt Lo making the girls laugh

Sloan and Mama

Pictures from the ceremony

We didn't stay for the whole service because these girls needed a nap before we went to brunch at the CCCC. Lunch was fun but chaotic which is probably the way our life will be for a few more years trying to eat sit down meals with twins in tow. Luckily there was lots of helping hands around and we even managed to survive the day car ride home with minimal drama. Just a few diaper blow outs but thats par for the course around here. It was a great holiday weekend and visit with Matt's family.

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